The old Kents Building, Muizenberg Beachfront

The old Kents Building

Do you want an authentic Cape Town experience? Then go to the Muizenberg beachfront. It’s a great vibe! The old Kents Building situated on the Muizenberg beachfront is directly adjacent to the railway line. The building dates back to 1915, with plans showing the construction of two additional floors in 1928.The owner of the building, […]

3 things you need for a successful building project

planning a successful building project

  Guiding a building project from conception to completion can be daunting. At K Architects, we understand the challenges involved in this process, and we take great pride in leading our clients through this process. This post unpacks three critical elements for successful building project management, from design to completion.   Designing and completing a […]

Understanding sustainable architecture – building timeless designs

green building

When thinking of sustainability, you easily think of go-green, eco-friendly, and environmental health. But what is sustainable architecture, and how can this help us create a functional built environment while minimising our carbon footprint? Sustainable architecture refers to a design that creates healthy living environments. They do this while minimising harmful effects on the ecosystem […]

Questions you may have for your architect

Building questions for your building project

If you are thinking about building a new custom home, there are undoubtedly a lot of questions going through your mind. Over the years, we found these to be the first questions we hear more than any other: “How much is it going to cost?” “How long will it take?” Although these are valid questions, […]

7 mistakes to avoid when renovating your home

7 mistakes to avoid when renovating you home

  Renovating your home can be a costly, stressful experience that can range from redoing a room, to adding an extension to a house. The last thing anyone wants is to be disappointed with the final product, creating even more hassle down the road. This is why careful planning is required to ensure we are […]

The Result Of A Fire

The result of a fire at my cottage in Barrydale

There was a retired fireman, from England, residing in Barrydale. The Municipality of Swellendam had a redundant fire engine after they had obtained a new one. The fireman organised for the  redundant fire engine to be delivered to Barrydale. Because he was mechanically minded, he managed to repair the hydraulic functions and it was set […]

What do we do as professionals?

What do we do as professionals?

The Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) provides solutions in delivering rated Green Buildings in our community. The application of these principles to rate a building is intensively technical to achieve a rating with the GBCSA. Architecture and global warming This is a fantastic start to being part of the action against global warming […]

The Paradigm Shift: Architecture new ways of thinking

architecture new ways of thinking

Nearly 30 years ago I remember reading The Turning Point by Fritjof Capra and The Reenchantment of the World by Morris Berman. These were just a few of the landmark books which were exposing the new thinking, primarily focusing on a holism or a systems viewpoint. As a student studying architecture new ways of thinking […]